Phone: (949) 899-0465
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Safe Harbor International
P.O. Box 80820
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(949) 899-0465

Safe Harbor International exists to glorify God; to share the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with people living in spiritual darkness, despair and poverty. This is accomplished through ministry, development, training and relief.

Our Vision
Our vision is to reach the lost; to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior, Redeemer, Sovereign God and Lord; to share His love, His grace, His mercy, His hope, His joy, through His inerrant Word in obedience to His Great Commission, to His glory alone.

Safe Harbor International - What We Do

Hurricane Relief 2024

Safe Harbor Safe Harbor
Safe Harbor headed into West Jefferson, North Carolina to bring relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

This area was hit hard and the need is great. Kings Hawaiian donated 20 pallets of bread that we will bring in with us and an additional semi-truck will arrive with more bread next week. We are so thankful for the generosity of Kings Hawaiian and Irresistible Foods Group to bless so many people through their food donations.

There are also a lot of donations organized by a local church in South Carolina. The Lord is providing in great ways to serve the people in the mountains of North Carolina. Trucks, ATV’s, and neighbors filled their vehicles with supplies and we delivered relief as far as we could possibly drive. Families without electricity for 10 days were able to get generators and the love of Christ was poured into many people who were suffering.

There are still thousands of people without electricity who are unable to get out of their mountain region and relief can only get there by pack mules or helicopters. We are so thankful to be at The Gathering Church in West Jefferson who will help disperse the aid! It was a joy for all of us with Safe Harbor International to serve along with The Gathering church in West Jefferson to minister to the people in need.

May God be glorified and the people encouraged during this difficult time. If you would like to give towards this work, please make a donation to Safe Harbor International. To God be the glory!

Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Safe Harbor

Relief & Development

Safe Harbor Focus Safe Harbor exists to serve the Body of Christ worldwide in proclaiming Jesus Christ and ministering to the practical needs of those living in spiritual darkness, despair, and poverty. Since 1994, we have responded to disasters and crises across Africa, Asia, and the Americas through a variety of avenues including:

Counseling and spiritual care
Food distribution
Medical missions
Water and sanitation
Law Enforcement
Ministry outreaches
Relief assessment and training

El Salvador Outreach 2015-present

Safe Harbor El Salvador Safe Harbor El Salvador Safe Harbor El Salvador
During an assessment trip last October to El Salvador, Safe Harbor had the opportunity of ministering to and identifying the needs of single mothers and their children living in a home called Lupita's Hope in the heart of the country's capital, San Salvador. While there, the team also had the chance to visit two rural villages, located in the cities of Suchitoto and San Julian. The unfortunate reality for the majority of youth living in these underdeveloped villages is that many cannot afford to continue their education after the 3rd cycle primary (equivalent to 6th grade in the USA). As a result, this leaves young boys subject to gang involvement (increasingly prevalent) and young girls left to take on "parental" responsibilities of the home.

Alongside Lupita's Hope, Safe Harbor has also identified a soon-to-be launched program that will help meet the educational and spiritual needs of the youth living in these rural communities. For the young girls, the program's objective is to develop their education, physical well-being, and spiritual discipleship. For the young boys, Safe Harbor is focusing on establishing a "leadership" program that will mentor them in the challenging pursuit of becoming Godly men. The entirety of this ministry is founded on the irrevocable truths of scripture that Christ has uniquely made and purposed each one of their lives for His glory and to bring hope, empowerment and growth through the knowledge of Him as their Savior.

Join Safe Harbor this May as a team sets out to continue working alongside both ministries and prepares to launch the youth program! If this is an outreach you feel called to be a part of, please contact our Operations Outreach Director, Alex, at

Coronavirus Emergency Response Program - 2020-2021

The world is experiencing a catastrophic pandemic referred to as the “COVID-19” virus, also known as the “Coronavirus.” Throughout the globe many countries are experiencing massive COVID-19 infection rates which has manifested itself with skyrocketing deaths amongst the most vulnerable members of their population. Science and government have been forced to take extreme measures to try and bring this pandemic under control, and, as a result, the strain on the economy, and society as a whole, has been immense. Government and scientific entities report that this crisis will get much worse before it gets better and that the number of fatalities is certain to increase.

In Safe Harbor’s local community, Orange County, CA, due to a lack of COVID-19 testing occurring, it is feared that there are many who are unknowingly carrying and spreading the virus, and, as a result, the actual infection rate has yet to be accurately reported. The government and medical professionals have identified those being 65 years of age or older, those with respiratory and cardiovascular system challenges, diabetes and generally any chronic medical condition, as those most at risk of being seriously affected by exposure to the COVID-19 virus. It is critical that those in this “at risk” group practice what has come to be known as “Social Distancing” by quarantining themselves from essential normal societal interactions.

This “Social Distancing” has been difficult even for the healthiest members of our society, however, for those who have been identified as being in an “at risk” group, the isolation has proven to be unbearable. With being quarantined, economic challenges, lack of transportation and long lines at the grocery stores, their ability to procure food, toiletries and other essentials has been drastically reduced if not completely eliminated.

Safe Harbor believes that in times such as this it is essential that the Christian community come alongside and offer relief to those most affected by this significant crisis, and, in the process, present the Gospel to the world in a real and practical manner. Since 1994, Safe Harbor International Relief has provided much needed support, both spiritually and with material needs such as food, medicine, and other provisions, to those who find themselves in desperate need.

Currently, under the umbrella of “Safe Harbor,” we have the privilege of serving alongside “Second Impressions,” a ministry to the local homeless and the most at-risk segment of our population within Orange County. Together, Safe Harbor and Second Impressions are coming alongside local churches to provide for the needs of those who are isolated in their homes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and, in doing so, communicating to the world our motivation for doing so - bringing them the good news of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Even as you read this, Safe Harbor has been procuring food and supplies, and, with the help of volunteers from our partner churches and local community, will be distributing these essentials to those who have been identified as “at risk” and in need of this ministry.

If you or your church would like to be part of this ministry opportunity to the community, please contact Safe Harbor International Relief at 949 899-0465 (Our special COVID-19 Outreach phone), or by email at Or, Second Impressions, at

If you would like to contribute financially to help us minister during this time of crisis, please visit Safe Harbor’s website, go to the ‘Donate’ page and specify, Local COVID-19 relief. Your financial contribution is tax deductible as Safe Harbor is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization.

Thank you and may God richly bless you!

Literacy Program- Kenya (2012 - present)

Peter and Winifred Kiunga, SHI's Literacy Program Director Kawangware Graduation
For the last three years, Safe Harbor has been actively involved in teaching students English and Biblical studies in Kawangware, Kenya. SHI's Literacy Program Director, Winifred Kiunga, has taught multiple levels of English to hundreds of poverty stricken individuals over each semester.

This program fulfills a need for literacy training and continuing education in the impoverished community as many of the adult students come from areas facing social and economic challenges.

Each semester, Winifred shares student's testimonies of how their lives are impacted by the program and above all, the Gospel.

Long-term Community Transformation

Food Distribution By God's grace and through His provision alone, Safe Harbor has been used to transform communities from crisis situations that were seemingly hopeless to thriving communities that have been changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the service of His people.

Listed below are countries where Safe Harbor has stayed and responded to crisis for a period of more than 5 years.

Project Midigo, Uganda (1998-2011)

Project Midigo Safe Harbor International has been active in North West Uganda since the mid-90's, when the migration of Southern Sudan refugees resulted in a cholera outbreak. Beginning with a doctor and a nurse, we have seen a growing church, health care program, school, and agricultural project develop. Calvary Chapel Midigo has since become an independent NGO in Uganda, and is taking on the responsibility to fund and implement the ministry, education, and health programs. We are grateful to the Lord for the fruitful years of ministry and for contribution of many, many partners. God has truly performed this wonderful work.

Vibrant church plant- over 200 members committed to growing in the truth of the gospel. This growth led to two more church plants and is now considered a ministry hub for training, discipleship, and sending. These churches now operate as independent Calvary Chapels.

Clinic health services- expanded into a fully operational hospital focusing on women, children and other vulnerable persons, serving nearly 30,000 patients per year. We specialized in maternal and infant care, HIV / AIDS, mobile medical care to remote areas, and surgical operations.

Education program- offering high quality, Christian academics to over 100 Primary school students in 2011 from nearby church, non-Christian, and Sudanese families. Calvary School doubled in enrollment in one year, and is working towards expanding educational services through secondary school. The school has since become independent under the guidance of Calvary Chapel Midigo.

Agricultural project- contributing to Project Midigo's local sustainability while providing jobs, training, services, and further outreach to the local communities. The community gave us 117 acres for this project.

· Church development
· Medical care, health education, and hospital development
· Education
· Agriculture

Nyinbuli, Sudan (2003-2009)

Nyinbuli is an extremely remote village located in South Sudan. Safe Harbor arrived in 2003 and began it's "Operation Restore Life" project by bringing food to 22,000 local people suffering from extreme starvation and disease. At this time, the villagers of Nyinbuli were also tortured and killed by soldiers passing through. God allowed Safe Harbor to minister to these people for more than five years:

· Tens of thousands of metric tons of food were delivered to the people
· Seeds were provided for crops
· Wells were established (before Safe Harbor arrived, there was only one operating well)
· Missionaries accepted the call to live among the people there
· SHI built a medical clinic

Tonj, Sudan (1998-2008)

In 1998, the brutal civil war in South Sudan resulted in a devastating famine. Safe Harbor traveled to Tonj to respond not only with food and medical aid, but also with the good news of Jesus Christ. The Lord allowed Safe Harbor to serve the people of Tonj for nearly a decade by:

· Supplying 300 tons of food and seeds to the people
· Missionaries were planted to carry on the ministry
· A medical clinic, Bible school and pastoral training center were established

Behold Your God Missions

Behold Your God Safe Harbor sends short-term missions teams to work alongside our local partners in ministry outreach and training through Behold Your God Missions and Outreach.

Behold Your God missions' pursuit is two-fold: First and foremost, we are driven by a passion to have the name of God exulted among the nations.

Secondly, we desire to expose people to the blessed privilege of worldwide missions in such a way that they aspire to live their lives in one accord like Paul who, when faced with persecution, said in Acts 20:24, "none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

Interested in Behold Your God Missions?

Behold Your God in action
  1. Pray about whether God may be calling you and your church to serve alongside one of Safe Harbor's projects.
  2. Contact us at or 949-858-6786 so that we can give you more information on potential opportunities to serve.
  3. We meet with your church leaders to discuss how we can match opportunities with the gifts and passions of your church members.
  4. Confirm trip dates and ministry objectives.
  5. Get your team together and prepare trip details.
  6. Go and serve the Lord!

Alliance of Churches for Crisis Response (ACCR)

What is ACCR?

Alliance of Churches for Crisis Response ACCR is a network of churches that are committed to encouraging the Church and proclaiming the Gospel with those who are suffering from global crisis, such as famine, earthquakes, war and disease.

Formed by Safe Harbor, ACCR is an operational coalition consisting of church leaders and volunteers to be the strategic lead of its global response initiatives.


We believe that it is Safe Harbor's responsibility to come alongside the Church when it comes to ministry, and not the opposite. While churches often desire to serve those in crisis overseas, the necessary contacts, training, and expertise to carry out and manage the complexities of international work are oftentimes too burdensome. With over 15 years of international relief and development experience, it is our passion and calling to serve the Church through our expertise and guidance.

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in finding out more or if you'd just like to be notified of any opportunities to serve together in the future. Please contact us for more information on how you and your church can get involved at 800.797.HOPE or

Church Development

Safe Harbor exists to serve the local church in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in serving the poor, with an aim to develop leaders with sound theological training.

· Christian education development
· Men's, women's, and youth conferences
· Discipleship
· Short-term ministry outreaches
· Pastoral training
· Other ministry training initiatives

In the past, Safe Harbor has entered regions where an evangelical church does not exist and therefore, church planting efforts were initiated. This model has been best exemplified through Safe Harbor's church plants in Midigo, Uganda during Project Midigo.

Pastoral Training

Pastoral Training Safe Harbor places an emphasis on developing the leadership of indigenous churches around the world, and provides pastoral training through conferences, Bible teaching, and literature distribution. In 2010, Safe Harbor partnered with Desiring God's International Outreach to provide literature to pastors and other ministry leaders in Uganda.


Safe Harbor International
P.O. Box 80820
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
(949) 899-0465
Ministry Application:
Part 1 & Part 2
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About Us

Safe Harbor International Relief is a registered 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Corporation. Tax ID# 20-4838748.